Support NEW work!
Make A Donation
A donation of any amount enables us to create and produce new work.
Ticket sales alone do not cover our costs. Your contribution helps us compensate artists, purchase production materials like sets and props and costumes, and pay for and maintain our iconic building.
Your contribution is tax-deductible, helps us leverage grant funds, and expresses your support of Firehouse and live performance.
You can donate with Kroger Rewards!
Shop at Krogers and get a Krogers Plus card, then register on krogercommunityrewards.com and choose Firehouse Theatre Project as your community partner and we'll receive a portion of what you spend as a donation from Kroger.
Give a Gift
To contribute through a donor-advised fund, give a gift of stock, become a corporate sponsor, or for any other questions please fill out form below and someone from our team will contact you shortly!